Erika D. Smith: Obama effigy, a reminder that things aren't always what they may seem
Former West Terre Haute police chief pleads guilty to federal charges of illegally buying weapons
Naperville mom stabbed kids out of anger at husband
Southside man arrested in connection with exploding plastic bottles
Purdue fraternity shut down for hazing
Greater Lafayette's rural police departments are always stretched thin
West Lafayette man faces prison, deportation for dealing spice
Life sentence confirmed for man guilty in two Greater Lafayette rapes
13 state parks to close for November deer hunts
Visitors, vendors steadily increase
1 dead after fight at south-side bar
On the run to honor a veteran who gave all
Photographer treats cancer survivors to makeover, glamour shots
Event to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis
Locals say voter ID laws not impacting turnout
Ready, set, vote: Everything ‘in place’ for Tuesday’s election
Ready, set, vote: Contenders for judge have desire to serve
Ready, set, vote: County’s donation race leans Republican
Ready, set, vote: District 69 candidates’ spending about equal